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New member
Status: Trending idea

Sometimes it is not so easy to identify spam in the inbox. The subject and the sender look OK and only when I click on the mail to open it, I can see the email adress to identify spam.

It would be helpfull to see the full sender address when mouse over the sender in the inbox. Even better, when a spam button would be directly included with the mouse over bubble with the full email.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

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Strollin' around

This is a great idea! I would use it all the time. Currently I add extra columns and have used extensions to get a similar effect. 

New member

Love this, would definitely use this a lot.

Status changed to: Trending idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Exciting update…

This idea is now a “Trending idea” here on Mozilla Connect, which means it’s one step closer to reaching our internal teams for review—learn more about The Idea Journey.

Please keep the conversation going and stay tuned for updates 😀

New member
  1. Show Full Sender's Email Address on Mouseover: When a user hovers their mouse over the sender's name in the inbox, the full email address of the sender should be displayed. This will allow users to quickly verify the sender's identity without having to open the email.

  2. Include Full Email Address in Columns Drop-down: To further enhance visibility, the full email address of the sender should also be included in the columns drop-down. This will allow users to have the sender's full email address displayed at all times in their inbox, without the need to hover over each email.


  • Enhanced User Convenience: Users can quickly view the full email address of the sender without having to open each email.
  • Increased Security: By being able to quickly verify the sender's email address, users can avoid opening potentially harmful or spam emails.
  • Improved User Experience: The proposed changes will make the email client interface more user-friendly and efficient.
Strollin' around

good idea

Community Manager
Community Manager
New member

Definitely a good Idea, any way of showing the real sender's address before opening will increase security.

As with 115 full sender's address plugin stopped working, currently there is no way. In a time where faking other's address has been a standard way for phishing I am wondering why this is not a standard feature. I for myself will downgrade until there will be a working solution.

New member

This needs to be upvoted. It is so easy to spot phishing attack if you can see the full email address easily.

New member

This is such a good idea. Please upvote.

Strollin' around
New member

Showing the full email address in a specific column, I would say this is mandatory.

Specially today with the spam but for all phising mails, so you can see in one blink of an eye if a mail is real or false.

I ALWAYS used a plugin. But that means that we need to hope it will be updated by the developer
I find this a weakness from Mozilla that is is not default in the application

Making moves

The latest update, 115.3.3, took away all information when hovering over an email's From column in the email listing before opening the email.  I really need to see the whole From field and also the address before I open the email.  The whole Subject field is still there, thank you.

New member

In my opinion, there should be additional columns (completely separate) that can be included for anyone who wants, one containing only the "sender's address", the other "recipient's address".

The second thing is to block modifications of the column layout by add-ons, this should definitely be restored, probably not. Are you following the path chosen by "apple"?, Block everything, after all, the user is too stupid to decide on his own what he wants to have displayed. Regards, Diunida.

New member

Show sender's e-mail address on mouse-over

When hoovering over the list of e-mails in 'Posteingang' the subject is shown on mouse-over. I suggest to show the sender's e-mail adress instead or in addition to check for spam whithout opening the e-mail.